At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You, Because of Your righteous judgments.
Psalms 119:62 NKJV
God is calling you to rise up out of the darkness of your midnight and give thanks. Your new day is rising, Joy is coming in the morning, the light in middle of your darkest hour is on the other side of your giving God thanks.
Our circumstances should never determine our level of thanksgiving God's character is what should determine our thanksgiving.
Our circumstances should never determine our level of thanksgiving God's character is what should determine our thanksgiving.
My circumstance seems dark but I thank Him because He is the Light.
My circumstance seems hopeless but I thank Him because He is the God of Hope.
My circumstance seems impossible but I thank Him because Nothing is impossible to Him.
My circumstance seems chaotic but I thank Him because He is the God of Peace.
My circumstance seems stormy but I thank Him because He is the God that even the winds and the waves obey.
In everything give thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ!
Share with three people today three things you are thankful for!
Have a blessed and thankful Thursday!
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