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Showing posts from January, 2016

And again...Break the cycle....

Mark 2:1 And again He (Jesus) entered Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that He was in the house. This verse starts with the phrase and again, and many times we find our selves stuck a cycle of and again... And again I am hurting. And again I am sick. And again I am depressed. And again I fell into sin. And again I am addicted. And again I am broke. And again I am messed up, locked up, and bound up.... See I don't know exactly what your and again may be but God is shouting that He wants to change  your and  again.... He is shouting over you beloved, I hear the Lord saying your and again is changing to. And again I am believing. And again I am standing. And again I am praying. And again I am serving God. And again I have peace. And again I am walking in the joy, power, love, and anointing of God. All you have to do right now in this moment is invite Jesus, the One who came  to Capernaum and forgave and healed the paralytic. I...

Focus on the Lord

Check out this powerful prophetic word. God is about to pour out fresh fire on those you stay focused on Him in the midst of the chaos and distractions.