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Parents need to be P.A.R.E.N.T.S

When my daughter was born I  vowed before God to be a P.A.R.E.N.T. as I believe the Word of God declares us to be.

P. Pray- I will daily pray for my daughters salvation. And pray for wisdom in raising my daughter in a way that pleases God. The longer I am a parent from more I realize prayer is crucial in order to raise godly children. If you only remember one thing from this post remember the first letter of parent is p and p stands for prayer. We must pray for our children in Jesus name!

A. Affirm- I will affirm my daughter in her gifts and abilities. I will affirm her in her inner and outer beauty.

R. Reverence/ Respect- I will live my life as an example on how to reverence God and authority. I will teach my child respect through how I respect, love and honor her mother.

E. Encourage- I will encourage my daughter through the Word of God to know who she is in Christ Jesus, and through Him she can do all things.

N. Nurture- I will nurture, love, and provide for my daughter.

T. Teach/Train- I will daily teach my child who God is and what He wants to be in her life. I will teach and show her by example how to trust God.

S. Spank- I will lovingly discipline my child through spanking when she dishonors or is disobeident to authority in her life.
