Today's post is more of a Bible Study or a word study than a devotion. I have listed the definition of exhort and listed most of the verses that speak of exhorting from the New Testament and made brief comments on each verse.
Daily you are surrounded by people who need hope, direction and many even feel like giving up on God. My prayer is that this post will instruct, stir your heart and remind you to encourage others.
Exhort- parakaleó: to call to or for, to exhort, to encourage
Definition (a) I send for, summon, invite, (b) I beseech, entreat, beg, (c) I exhort, admonish, (d) I comfort, encourage, console.
Encourage, give support, confidence, or hope to
Encourage, give support, confidence, or hope to
Can also be translated.
as appeal, appealed, appealing, beg, begging, beseeching, comfort, comforted, comforts, conciliate, encourage, encouraged, encouraging, entreat, implore, implored, imploring, invited, making an appeal, plead, pleaded, pleading, preach, requested, urge, urged, urging
Biblical References on Exhort.
Acts 2:40 NKJV And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.”
Encourage/ Exhort others to be saved from a perverse generation.
Encourage / Exhort others to continue with the Lord or to cleave unto the Lord.
Encourage / exhort others to continue in faith even in the midst of much tribulation.
Encourage / exhort others to be of good cheer because God will protect His people.
Acts 20:2 KJV And when he had gone over those parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece,
Acts 15:32 KJV And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them. (Or strengthened their faith)
Encouragement should always confirm, build, and strengthen ones faith in God. Not saying every thing will always be perfect but that we serve a perfect God.
Encourage/ exhort others to be prepared to generously give unto to the Lord.
Encourage others to grow in obedience to the Lord.
I Thessalonians 5:14 NKJV Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.
Encouragement contains warning, comforting , upholding and is patient with everyone.
II Thessalonians 3:12 NKJV Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread.
Encourage/ exhort others to work...
I Timothy 2:1-2 NKJV Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
Encourage/ exhort others to pray, intercede, give thanks, live in peace, godliness and to fear God.
I Timothy 6:1-2 NKJV Let as many bondservants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and His doctrine may not be blasphemed. And those who have believing masters, let them not despise them because they are brethren, but rather serve them because those who are benefited are believers and beloved. Teach and exhort these things.
Encourage/ exhort others to preach and teach the truth.
II Timothy 4:2 NKJV Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
Gospel preaching should contain encouragement.
Titus 1:9 NKJV holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict.
Biblical encouragement includes encouragement and conviction. And stays true to the Word.
Titus 2:6-10 NKJV Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you. Exhort bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all things, not answering back, not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.
Encourage/ exhort others to be sober minded, to do good works, and to have integrity, reverence, incorruptibility and sound speech that cannot be condemned. Exhort those who are servants to be obedient.
Titus 2:15 NKJV Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.
Exhort with all authority. Encourage others knowing God has your back.
Hebrews 3:13 NKJV but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Exhort others to walk in holiness and not fall into the deceitfulness of sin. Encourage someone Today while there is still time.
I Peter 5:1-4 NKJV The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.
Exhort others to be faithful leaders and overseers.
Jude 1:3 NKJV Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.
Encourage/ exhort others to contend earnestly for the faith.
Romans 12:4-8 NKJV For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.
Hebrews 10:24-25 NKJV And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Exhort others to love, do good works and be faithful to the house of the Lord.
I Peter 5:12 NKJV By Silvanus, our faithful brother as I consider him, I have written to you briefly, exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God in which you stand.
Exhort others to stand in the true grace of God.
Encourage someone today. Use your words today to fill others with courage to expect and attempt great things for God. Your words of encouraging can change someones eternal destiny. In a world filled with negativity and complaining, people need to hear a positive word of encouragement. I encourage you to go encourage someone in the Lord.
Encourage someone today. Use your words today to fill others with courage to expect and attempt great things for God. Your words of encouraging can change someones eternal destiny. In a world filled with negativity and complaining, people need to hear a positive word of encouragement. I encourage you to go encourage someone in the Lord.
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